Most Sales Managers today do a pretty good job tracking Internet leads. They know how many came in, who the leads were assigned to, and how many ended up as stickers on the board.
There are however other important metrics that should be tracked in order to better manage the flow of leads to the team, (and spot the “Eagles” in your organization).
ea·gle noun \ˈē-gəl\
a salesperson who consistently generates the greatest number of deliveries from the least amount of leads while maintaining an above average csi score
Identifying the “Eagles” in your organization is important for a number of reasons, not least of which is that you can reverse engineer their process. If there’s a salesperson at your store who has mastered the art of converting Internet leads to appointments, why not learn what they are doing and share with the rest of the team?
Tracking this data for Internet leads is not difficult to do as the Internet Sales Managers already know what’s happening with the leads. They just need to record the data on a spreadsheet each month and email you a copy.
The only reason this is not common practice in the industry today is because Dealer Principals are not asking;
1) How many leads?
2) How many appointments?
3) How many appointments were kept?
4) How many writes?
5) How many deliveries?
A simple report card might look like this;
Such a report would make it easy to spot variances and ask more probing questions regarding performance and process.
What would happen if you were to use a similar process for tracking sales calls your store received each month?
Next week I’m going to write about how the disruptive practice of “Feeding Your Eagles” can have an immediate and lasting impact on the bottom line of any car dealership willing to use it.